Have I told you that I am prone dishing out excuses? I think I did in my last post, but let me expand on this a little (*cough* Josue *cough*)... Whether I missed your party, didn't make a deadline, or haven't posted to my blog in four months, you can expect me to readily dish out any number of get out of jail free cards ranging from "I fell asleep" to "I dropped a cheesy quesadilla on my laptop" (that actually happened). So basically, what I'm getting at here is that I've been busy. This isn't a "shrug of the shoulders busy" it's a "my life is a whirlwind and I cant even remember to feed myself busy". I'll make it short and sweet:
- I went on a Northwest Road Trip with Joe for two weeks at the end of March
- I started training for and completed my first half marathon in May
-Spring has come and gone and now summer is here and all I eat are salads and popsicles... Honestly, who wants to read a salad and popsicle blog?
-Joe proposed to me on May 23rd (ahhhhhhh!) and now I'm engaged to the love of my life!
And there you have it, I'm sorry, but cooking just hasn't been on my list of things to do between working, running and planning. I knew you'd understand.
However, in light of all the new things that have been going on over here, I've decided to expand my horizons a bit. I've decided that I will not commit solely to food blogging, but rather take on a little more of a "lifestyle" blog approach. I've got a lot of wedding DIY on my plate coming up in a few short months and I'd love to be able to share my adventures in craft, health and planning as the big day approaches. This doesn't mean dinner will be put on the back burner (nudge nudge), because those wifey skills are going to need some serious fine tuning. Just bear with me as I navigate trhrough these life changes and have fun with me as I try to make it look, taste and feel as pretty as possible.
So here we go... On to bigger and hopefully better things! Thanks for coming along for the ride, friends. xo
P.S. recipes coming soon, I promise!